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How Hitachi Solutions has shaped its CSR and DEI initiatives over the last nine months

Eighteen months ago, Hitachi Solutions didn’t support a charity, have a volunteering policy, or have an internal Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) lead. Fast forward to now, Hitachi Solutions is nine months into their first ever Charity of the Year partnership with Young Lives vs. Cancer, having raised almost £10,000.


Key takeaways from the Public Sector Data Summit 2023

This year's Public Sector Data Summit, hosted in Westminster’s QEII, consisted of panel sessions with back-to-back guest speakers educating us on recent innovations and challenges across the data sphere. It was a thoroughly enjoyable event which I attended alongside colleagues and our guest speaker, Paul Charnley from Wirral Healthy Partners.


Insights from the Central Government Partnership Network event

On the 18th and 19th of January, Hitachi Solutions sponsored and attended the Central Government Partnership Network event in Nottingham. At such a demanding and difficult time for Central Government, it was a wonderful opportunity to extract myself from my day job and connect with industry leaders and other partners…

Case study


Hitachi Solutions' expertise in Design Thinking allowed them to quickly define Motul's needs and propose the best solutions.


What does it take to be a successful project manager at Hitachi Solutions?

Every quarter, we have a team event where all the Project Management and Governance teams across our European business come together in London for a series of talks and collaborative sessions. The value of these sessions is in building closer relationships across groups of people that often work in remote…

Case study

South London Partnership

Hitachi Solutions, Microsoft and South London Partnership (SLP) have collaborated as part of the SLP’s InnOvaTe project to deliver an IoT platform that makes the data being obtained accessible and understandable to the five London boroughs of Croydon, Kingston upon Thames, Merton, Richmond upon Thames and Sutton.

Case study

Union Investment

In order to meet the requirements of over 800 users, Union Investment decided to implement a future-proof CRM system for the efficient and transparent management of customer data and relationships.

Case study


The Customer STEAG, founded in Essen, in 1937, is the fifth largest energy supplier in Germany. The group of companies contributes to a sustainable energy future with a mix of fossil and renewable energies, large-scale power plants and flexible, decentralised generation facilities. STEAG has an installed capacity of around 7,121…

Case study

Linde Engineering

At Linde Engineering, it was about replacing outdated systems for workflow and collaboration solutions that were no longer state-of-the-art. For decades, third-party applications have been added to existing systems.

White Paper

Smart Places and Communities – Scotland

Bringing together technology and places that address challenges in our communities. A Scotland roundtable hosted by Microsoft and Hitachi Solutions.

White Paper

Smart Places and Communities – Wales

Bringing together technology and places that address challenges in our communities. A Wales roundtable hosted by Microsoft and Hitachi Solutions