The impact of Digital Innovation

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See into the future with Microsoft Catalyst

We utilise Microsoft Catalyst to set the stage for your strategic vision for the future, using stakeholder alignment, future envisioning and business value assessment to identify cost saving, revenue generation and risk mitigation opportunities.

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Enhance understanding of user needs

Design thinking establishes empathy with end users to better understand their needs, to ensure feasibility, we then test concepts and prototypes with stakeholder and end users.

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A seamless multi-channel experience

A collaborative process combining UX design, research and usability testing, user-centred design delivers products and services which solve user issues and ensure a consistent and seamless experience across all channels.

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Make change work for you

Establish a firm purpose for change, successfully communicate this and provide tailored experiences for those impacted, enabling them to maintain a focus on value and business outcomes.

Our Digital Innovation experts

Get to know just a few of our experts working with our Digital Innovation solutions.

Carl Gallagher

Carl Gallagher

Director of Pre-Sales

Carl is an experienced IT professional with over 14 years of experience in service and process transformation using Microsoft technology. He can often be found with a backpack full of sticky-notes and pens, ready to help customer stakeholder groups define their problems and identify creative solutions. 

Martina Saller

Martina Saller

Regional Director

Martina helps customers to design their own journey to innovation, igniting real results for their businesses. With more than 20 years of experience in various industries, bridging business and technology, she knows the importance of working on 3 aspects to successfully implement a new idea: viability (business), feasibility (technical) and desirability (human).

Jack Murphy

Jack Murphy

AI Capability Lead

Jack specialises in delivering AI-powered solutions to customers across the private and public sectors. Based in Manchester, he has over ten years of experience working in a variety of industries across Europe to solve complex and challenging business problems with AI.

Geraldine Kelsey

Geraldine Kelsey

Design Thinking Director

Geraldine excels at getting to the root cause of problems, and understanding the key business metrics, processes, and cultures to bring about positive change in organisations. She is an expert in her field having spent many years in manufacturing where she has led major global business transformation programmes.


“Microsoft Dynamics has proven we can aggressively grow our business into new markets globally as well as explore new channels… It’s really been a testament to great partnership, great teamwork and I am very proud to have been part of it.”

Jackie Reid, Program Lead for Project Reboot, Dr Martens.