Our History
Our legacy is rich in both our heritage and in our own growth as Hitachi Solutions, starting as Hitachi Consulting in 2007, and becoming Hitachi Solutions in 2012. A culture of continual innovation, means we are uniquely placed to meet the challenges of today’s digital world.
Employees globally
Employees in Europe
European countries represented

Hitachi has been a leader in innovation since 1910
It all started in a copper mine, just under 100 miles northeast of Tokyo in 1906. The Kuhara Mining Company. Namihei Odaira joined as a section electrical lead a few years after graduating from Tokyo Imperial University. Ask anyone. Namihei Odaira wasn’t just a kid with just an electrical engineering degree. Odaira was a path-maker. For it was in his spare time in 1910 – while still working at the mine – that he and another colleague developed Japan’s first-ever 5-horsepower electric motor.
It was this entrepreneurial thinking that led Odaira to formally separate from the Kuhara Mining Company and found what is now known as Hitachi, Ltd.

Our Japanese heritage
Harmony, sincerity and a pioneering spirit are traditional Japanese values which inform everything we do at Hitachi.
These core values are shared by our teams across the globe. Everyone understands that respect must be shown to be earned, that our reputation is founded on how we go about our business, and that only by leading with ambition will we succeed in inspiring the world.
Today, all companies bearing the Hitachi name are mobilised based on what Odaira knew to be true over 100 years ago – “Companies are their people”. Hitachi Solutions continues to build upon these same ideals, leveraging the experience and insight of over 850 Hitachi companies across the globe.
And wow – does our collective tool kit has serious clout! Financial strength. Global presence. A root system of know-how, experience and challenges overcome by others from which to gather insight.
Our world-class team of experts build and deliver comprehensive and innovative solutions that transform our customers’ business.